About Us
UDocs is a social enterprise that promotes and leads the development and production of edutainment media content to advance the rule of law, professional ethics, social justice, and corporate social responsibility.
In 2018, UDocs in partnership with the largest documentary film festival in North America - Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival (Hot Docs), launched the Hot Docs for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program. Today, UDocs delivers accredited CPE programs at various cinemas and screening facilities across North America, as well as on demand 24/7 through our online learning platform.
Accredited Continuing Professional Education (CPE/CPD) courses: All programs are accredited for CPE or recognized as CPD/CPE activities by various professional organizations in Canada and in some jurisdictions of the United States. Accreditation information is uniquely tailored to each program.
Ground-breaking Education: North America’s first ever cross-disciplinary approach to continued professional education through courses featuring engaging documentaries as case studies followed by comprehensive post-screening panel discussions or interviews with leading experts, scholars and practitioners.
Cutting-edge award-winning documentaries from Canada & around the globe: All UDocs programs under the exclusive worldwide brand Hot Docs for CPE are developed, sourced and/or produced in partnership with Hot Docs and filmmakers, key academic, professional and creative stakeholders committed to using documentaries as a vibrant medium and educational tool for capturing and enriching the critical visual advocacy discourse of our times.
Learning Flexibility: Continuing Professional Education at the Movies anytime in the comfort of your own home, office, hotel, train ride, plane flight, or even for a date with your intellectual soulmate… we can keep going, but you get the picture!
Group Screenings: Our programs can be delivered to groups either virtually or in-house with speaker(s) and networking opportunities. Learn more
DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES —Linking the Professional Community with Creative Education
Expert Diversity: UDocs stands for “University Documentaries” as all programs are developed and produced in collaboration with university students and scholars from leading universities in Canada and the United States as well as leading industry experts.
Student Diversity: UDocs caters to the most diverse student bodies across North America. Our unique learning offerings are created with Continuing Education Professionals in mind, but are suitable for High School and University students, as well as anyone who simply wants to learn through rich research substantiated content.
Program Diversity: We offer bilingual EN/FR programs with a heavy focus on the most vital topics contributing to today’s societal and professional development.
🗸Professionalism (Ethics)
🗸Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
🗸Wellness, Mindfulness and Mental Health
UDocs delivers legal and business education through visual legal advocacy and provides complimentary Pro Bono programs to legal and business professionals as well as aspiring professionals (such as university students).
Our partner Hot Docs’ charitable and social mission is to promote documentaries as an educational tool for positive social influence and change.
Coupled together, our Pro Bono programs support the UDocs Social Mission Mandate to provide access to continuing professional development (CPD) within the realms of:
🗸advancement of the rule of law
🗸professional ethics and fraud prevention
🗸social / environmental justice and corporate social responsibility
🗸access to justice
🗸protection of human rights
🗸equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
🗸wellness, mindfulness and mental health